What's New in PharmaClik Rx 2.5.2 HF1
The Pharmacy Technology Solutions (PTS) team has worked hard to resolve certain identified issues in PharmaClik Rx. Review the list below for the Fixes and Enhancements included in PharmaClik Rx 2.5.2 HF1.
Fixed: Non-PrescribeIT® prescriptions can now be reauthorized from the New RX window by selecting the Profile button.
Fixed: When processing an AutoFill prescription from the To Do tab that has a partial fill remaining, the appropriate quantity now displays in Rx Detail depending on what is selected in the following prompt.
Yes - Rx Detail opens with the remaining quantity in the Qty field.
No - Rx Detail opens with QA = 0 and Qty = last amount filled. This prescription can then be reauthorized or an authorization request can be sent to the prescriber.
Fixed: The doctor can no longer be changed when performing an Amend or Amend LTC. Address changes are still permitted.
Fixed: The correct Master Formulation Record prints when processing a mixture that has one attached.
Fixed: When a prescription is rebilled and the brand is changed, the Audit History now shows the manufacturer change correctly.
Fixed: Intervention codes now display in the Audit History of a prescription.
Fixed: The Last Dose (LD) quantity, in mg, now displays on the hardcopy.
Fixed: When performing an Amend, Amend Next or Amend LTC, if the Admin Times are updated in the Rx Detail window, the Administration Details window appears with a prompt to ensure you are reviewing or making any necessary changes prior to filling.
Yes - the newly adjusted Admin Times are used.
No - the Admin Times currently recorded in the Administration Details window are used.
Fixed: The Start Date field of a prescription now retains the original start date during Amend or Amend LTC.
Fixed: When the patient has Pacific Blue Cross (PB), Product Selection in the Rx Detail > Third Party tab is no longer defaulted to 1 - Prescriber's Choice.
Fixed: When an MI intervention code was added manually during a fill, it is no longer retained on subsequent refills.
Fixed: The unit of measure (UOM) for the following methadose drugs has been updated from mL to mg. Ensure you are entering new prescriptions quantities based on mg.
DIN 2394618: Methadose 10 mg/mL solution
DIN 2394586: Methadose (Cherry) 10mg/mL solution
Tip: To refill a methadone prescription after the upgrade:
Print the previously filled prescription to use as an original.
Refill the prescription and adjust the QA and Qty based on mg. This will create a new authorization.
Use the printed prescription from step 1 as the original for the refill and document that reason for the reauthorization (i.e., UOM change).
Fixed: The unit of measure (UOM) for the following methadose drugs has been updated from mL to mg. Ensure you are entering new prescriptions quantities based on mg.
DIN 2394618: Methadose 10 mg/mL solution
DIN 2394586: Methadose (Cherry) 10mg/mL solution
Tip: To refill a methadone prescription after the upgrade:
Print the previously filled prescription to use as an original.
Refill the prescription and adjust the QA and Qty based on mg. This will create a new authorization.
Use the printed prescription from step 1 as the original for the refill and document that reason for the reauthorization (i.e., UOM change).
Fixed: As per the Nova Scotia Drug Information System (NS DIS), PHN 0011984275 can no longer be used. When a prescription is processed for patient with that PHN, a prompt displays to enter a different PHN.
Fixed: When Vial Copies = 0, the medication record, privacy label and official receipt no longer print.
Fixed: When batch filling prescriptions and the Batch Label preference is set to Do Not Print, the vial copies, medication record, privacy label and official receipt no longer print.
Fixed: e-Verify no longer crashes when performing a drug-drug interaction check or drug-food interaction check during Technical Validation or Clinical Review.
Fixed: The following checkboxes are no longer disabled when navigating between the Clinical Review and Dialogue tabs of e-Verify.
Allergy Check
PharmaNet Check
D.T. Issues
Fixed: When sending an authorization request through PrescribeIT® for a prescription that has been flagged as No Renewal, a prompt now displays to confirm if the authorization request should be sent.
Fixed: Sending an authorization request for multiple PrescribeIT® prescriptions no longer display an error message.
Fixed: If there is currently an authorization request for a PrescribeIT® prescription in the Pending tab, when another authorization request is sent for the same prescription, the correct prescription information is referenced (i.e., prescription number).
Fixed: The dispense notification now indicates the pharmacy as the dispenser instead of the prescriber for all PrescribeIT® prescriptions.
Fixed: Rebilling a PrescribeIT® prescription now sends a Cancel Dispense Notification and a new Dispense Notification to the prescriber. This can be viewed in the PrescribeIT® > Sent tab.
Fixed: Synchronizing a doctor that has an address with more than 30 characters no longer displays an error. The address automatically splits between the Address Line 1 and Address Line 2 fields of the Doctor Folder.
Fixed: Special characters in PrescribeIT® transactions no longer cause error messages to appear.
Fixed: Received messages in Clinical Communication now display the correct attachment count.
Fixed: Changing a prescriber for a message using Clinician Communication no longer fails to send the message.
Fixed: When creating a message using Clinician Communication for a transaction that is part of a bundle, all prescriptions in the bundle, including the prescription selected, will display in the confirmation prompt.
Not all pharmacies received the PharmaClik Rx 2.5.2. The majority of pharmacies have been upgraded to from PharmaClik Rx 2.5.1 to PharmaClik Rx 2.5.2 HF1. If so, this section does not apply.
If you pharmacy was upgraded from PharmaClik Rx 2.5.2 to PharmaClik Rx 2.5.2 HF1, you will receive the following fixes.
Fixed: A prescription can no longer be processed without a days supply (DS).
Fixed: A prescription's quantity dispensed (QD) can no longer exceed the quantity authorized (QA).
Enhancement: The Flu Consent Form has been updated with the following information.
To view the updated Flu Consent Form, click here. Updated or new information is indicated by an arrow.
Enhancement: A new Supp Label field has been added in Rx Detail to determine the number of supplementary labels that should be printed.
The Supp Label field defaults to the same number entered in the Vial Copies field, but can be changed manually.
Enhancement: As per SaskHealth, the unit of measure (UOM) is mandatory when submitting a prescription..
The UOM field in Rx Detail must be considered when processing a prescription for a mixture. This field can be updated upon refill, if required.
Enhancement: As per the New Brunswick Drug Information System (NB DIS), the unit of measure (UOM) is mandatory when submitting a prescription for a mixture.
The UOM field in Rx Detail must be considered when processing a prescription for a mixture. This field can be updated upon refill, if required.
Enhancement: A patient's middle name can be updated from the NB DIS.
Enhancement: As per the Newfoundland and Labrador Drug Information System (NL DIS), patients that were previously nullified can no longer be reactivated. A new patient profile must be created to synchronize to the Client Registry.
Enhancement: A patient's middle name can be updated from the NL DIS.
Enhancement: Immunization information is now displayed when viewing the EHR - All profile.
Enhancement: A patient's middle name can be updated from the Nova Scotia Drug Information System (NS DIS).
Enhancement: The route of administration is now included in the DUR messages sent to PEI DIS.
Enhancement: The Total column is reintroduced to the Workflow tab. It displays the sum of the Workflow Statuses, including those that do not have Wait Times assigned.
Enhancement: Dialogue notes in e-Verify are now automatically saved when Complete is selected or the prescription is signed. Add Notes no longer needs to be selected to save the notes.
Enhancement: The Duplicate Checking prompt has been enhanced to better handle the following situations:
PrescribeIT transaction received for an existing prescription enrolled in the AutoFill program.
Renewal Rx Request, Authorization - Approved and Authorization - Approved with Changes transactions received for an existing prescription that has a different strength than what is in the transaction.
Enhancement: The Written Rx Date can now be edited for the following incoming PrescribeIT® transactions:
New Rx Request
Renewal Rx Request
Approved Authorization Request